Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Life on the Island Part one 2/27/08

Growing up on the Island was a good experience
life was very simple back then.
I grew up in a big family there were thirteen of us, There were always lots of laughter
and fun, there were also lots of screaming, yelling, shoving and pushing.
I was always a loner never liked big crowd. When ever they miss me they knew where
to look, I was always sitting high up in a tree reading a book or
any-thing I got my hands on I would get lost in a book and read for hours at a time
and not worry about any-thing else especially my other sib lings yelling and making
lots of noise. I also like to draw and doodle, If I wosnt drawing you would find me
drawing stick people "smile" I just love to draw stick people that was my thing
I also had imaginary friends. And I would play with my imaginary friends and that
was that sometimes my siblings would all stand around quietly and watch me while
I play with my imaginary friends " smile " and they would say oh boy look at her
play with her friends. And I would smile and say that would teach you all a lesson
not to hit on me. I have my own friends I would say to them.

One day while reading a book I saw a coupon in it which I filled out and mailed
the coupon to the company, It was the Peace Core.
I was very excited "but" I did not tell any-one about the coupon until about two week
later when I received a letter in the mail, there were lots of forms for me to fill out.
I was very excited, I took the forms to my mother and she read the forms and
look at me and said. keep on writing away for every -thing you read in books.
They scare me so bad, They said that I was going to be Court Martial and put over a burning
fire I was so scared I never left the house for days..
after quite some time I decided to look into traveling out of that country. To be continued

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow one of 13 must have been tough. I am on the edge of my seat can't wait to read more.