Monday, February 25, 2008

Who will help with the children.

Do you remember the days when things were very simple?
when it was safe to leave doors unlocked.? And no one would bother ,To try and rob you
How about the days when it was safe for the kids to play outdoors and no one would
interfere with your children. Think back too when there were no bickering or fuss
and every-one respected each other, and helped each other out, In those days they said
that it took a neighbourhood to raise a child. every-one looked after each other's kids.
Times have changed and people have different views on parenting
you don't know who to trust with your children any-more.
Some people have become very selfish while others care what happen to the children
Some families don't care about each other any more and that's a shame. people need to
think about the children. They are the the future generation. We all need to help
we cannot stand alone we need to take the time and reach out to the children.
Tell me who will help with the children.

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