Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thou shall not steal.

Yesterday one of my neighbours came and rang my door bell. When I looked through the
key-hole I saw that it was my next door neighbour "So" I let her in, she had a list in her hand
She asked me if I saw any-one hanging around the apartment.
I really did not see any-one @ that time "but" I did see them on my way home from work
that evening, it was about six of them , and they were all looking very suspicious,and they were
all steering @ me I just ignore them and drove on home.
Do you know those kids broke into the neighbour's apartment and stole groceries out of the
refrigerator. They also took some movies and much more.
the neighbours did call the Police "but" they said they needed more evidence,
How can People break into some-one else home and steal their food and all
their personal stuff.
What is this world coming too.
Thou shall not covet thy neighbours goods.

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