Thursday, January 10, 2008

Voice of the Uninsured

Over 43 million Americans are without Health Ins. and the number's are growing daily
telling us to sign up with voice of the uninsured is not enough.
The people need National ins, for all not over priced insurance for the 20% that can afford it we need complete coverage for all not just a few, we are all paying our taxes and each and every one in America legally, needs help with health care. America is one of the richest nation in the world and we have the worst health care system for the American people think about that the people need to come together as one nation and stop talking about this situation in the privacy of their homes. In order for things too change the people need to wont change and they need to come together and stop talking too themselves and start speaking out loud for every one too hear. The Politician's are telling them what they want to hear, don't vote for some-one because he is a good speaker look at the history of that person and take the time too learn something about that person. Don't vote for someone you don't know anything about be careful
when making that decision and get out and cast your vote wisely.

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