Sunday, January 20, 2008

Oh Me Oh My

Why did he have too be that way,he cannot sit still, always wining,moaning and groaning
oh me oh my, i heard a loud noise it sound like a gunshot. Then i heard something or someone
scream. Oh me oh my why is he that way i may have to bury him in a shallow grave, I'll wait until it gets dark and then go down to the park and dig a shallow grave
and hope that no one sees me.While digging that grave i got so tired the earth was very dry and
hard.The ground is hard and parched,the grass is dry and turning brown. i am digging that grave and i can hear the sound of the shovel in my ear, my heart is pounding while i am digging faster and faster. Someone is coming, oh no i hope they don't see me its the police and he is running , he ran right pass me and didn't even look at me.
How i missed him dearly, it took half an hour to dig that grave,that shallow grave i waited until it got dark and put him in a garbage bag and buried him in the park while it was very dark.
A stick i took and made a mark at his grave site in that park, and there he was laid to rest beneath a big old tree. He had 2 big green eyes and he was black in color, what a beauty he was and that's why i named him Domino he was my cat and he got run over by a car in the summer.
And that was very sad for all of us.

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