Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Ditch the Witch
Don't sit on her broom, you don't know where or when she'll snap.
She is mean and hostile
It's not worth your while.
Ditch the witch don't sit on her broom.
She is nasty and crazy, hateful and mean, always dirty she is never clean.
She gets angry easily very hard to please, you wont hear her coming.
she is very sneaky and sly always screaming and yelling ready to fight.
Her eyes are like fire her voice is like thunder in the still of the night.
Her scream is like thunder and lightening combined.
Ditch the witch its not worth your while, she is easily agitated, always high on anger and rage
her breath is like a tornado that strikes in the night.
She is like a Cobra ready to strike.
Ditch the Witch don't sit on her broom stand back its not worth your time.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Why ?

A certain person wondered why
a big strong girl like me
wouldn't keep a job which paid a normal salary.
I took my time to lead her and to read her every page.
Even minimal people can't survive on minimal wage.
A certain person wondered why
I wait all week for you. I didn't have the words to describe just what you do.
I said you had the motion of the ocean in your walk,
and when you solve my riddles you don't have to talk.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Poetry in motion
I'm the best that ever done it
(pow pow)
that's my title and I won it (pow pow)
I ain't lying I'm the best
(pow pow)
Come and put me to the test
(pow pow)
I'll clean 'em till they squeak
(pow pow
In the middle of next week
(pow Pow)
I'll shine 'em till they whine
(pow pow) Till they call me master mine (pow pow

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Mind is a terrible thing to waste

Rely on yourself be independent and strong,believe in pulling yourself up by your boots strap
and not saying i can't do this and i can't do that.
Get out and do the best that you can,we are all creative and are all connected in some way or the other, and that's what makes us so unique.
If you were walking or jugging along the street and you saw someone falling would you give them a helping hand ? or just let them fall.
We are all connected in some way or the other,and should be helpful towards each other
In the work-place don't form a tight clique and leave others out that's not ... without a doubt
invite other's in that's being... and kind,when possible make room for other's spread out and let
them in it would create a breath of fresh air for every one to share in the work place.
Everyone should try to improve their lives ,take some time and learn new things don't be scared
just get out and learn something new .The sky is the limit and that's true you are never too old to learn something new just educate your mind. From me to you.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

#3 The good life by May west continued

May had some money with her which she took from the cookie jar,she took the train to Louisiana where she made friends along the way. She met an elderly lady by the name of Kay
Kay was very polite and helpful towards May,she felt sorry for the young girl and offer her a place to stay in exchange for helping her around the house. the young may was delighted and excepted the offer,soon she found work taking care of twin boys, the parents of the twins were very fond of may and helped her with her education, she took care of the boys in the daytime and at night's she would attend night classes.
May was determined to prove to her parents that she can make it on her own,she studied very hard and graduated ahead of her class after finishing high-school she went on to nursing school.
It was not easy for her it was very hard. May was not a quitter she hang in there,and stayed in school it took her three and a half years. To be continued

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The good life by May West continued

The father said no supper tonight until all chores were done,well they did not finish their chores until about 7.3o pm. then there were school work which took another 30 minutes by the time
they had their showers that was another thirty minutes those poor kids were staving by then.
they never had supper until about 10 pm ,that night May was so tired and hungry she fell asleep without any supper.One cold Autom night May decided that enough was enough,while everyone was asleep she threw some clothes in her grip (its another name for an old fashion suitcase)it is small and square with a handle in the middle.
May decided to run-away from home so she threw the grip out the window then she climbed out the window and took off into the night. May was gone for good she was tired of that old farm life
and all the screaming and yelling that her father was doing.
She did not know where she was going,all she new is that she wonted to get far away from that
hard and difficult farm life,her parents looked and looked for her they never found her,she was gone for good May said she had enough and that was that. To be continued.

Oh Me Oh My

Why did he have too be that way,he cannot sit still, always wining,moaning and groaning
oh me oh my, i heard a loud noise it sound like a gunshot. Then i heard something or someone
scream. Oh me oh my why is he that way i may have to bury him in a shallow grave, I'll wait until it gets dark and then go down to the park and dig a shallow grave
and hope that no one sees me.While digging that grave i got so tired the earth was very dry and
hard.The ground is hard and parched,the grass is dry and turning brown. i am digging that grave and i can hear the sound of the shovel in my ear, my heart is pounding while i am digging faster and faster. Someone is coming, oh no i hope they don't see me its the police and he is running , he ran right pass me and didn't even look at me.
How i missed him dearly, it took half an hour to dig that grave,that shallow grave i waited until it got dark and put him in a garbage bag and buried him in the park while it was very dark.
A stick i took and made a mark at his grave site in that park, and there he was laid to rest beneath a big old tree. He had 2 big green eyes and he was black in color, what a beauty he was and that's why i named him Domino he was my cat and he got run over by a car in the summer.
And that was very sad for all of us.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Election Primary

It seams that everyone has forgotten how the economy was when Bill Clinton was in office,if you all have i haven't.America was @ a much better place #1The economy was booming# 2 We were all able to make money in the stock market including myself. Once George Bush took over,things went down hill from there,we all started loosing money in the stock market and he got us into a war that could of been avoided if he had done things differently.
We need someone with experience someone who can negotiate peace in the Middle East and someone who can bring this Country together and not put a division among the people we need someone to bring this Country back from the situation's that we are facing,such as the high unemployment rates,poor health care,Mortgage crisis and the list goes on and on.
Please give Hillary Clinton that chance, and hopefully she will give it her best shot by getting us out of this Recession that we are heading into.Elect the known not the unknown,the time has come and that time is now. you all said that you need change "well" things can change for better or worst Vote for better not worst.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The good life by May West

When May was a young girl growing up in rural N.C. the times were very hard,America was in a state of depression the year was 1936 . May's mother and father were very strict with their children and they had chores and rules for all the kids to follow, May had one sister her name was Angie and two brothers Tommy and Jessy. There were times when food was scarce and some nights the kids did not have much food on the table,they would have a bowl of soup and corn-bread that's it. At least the children had each other they would run and play and have lots of fun they would even make their own toys,the kids each did their choirs before going too school in the mornings and again in the evening before doing their homework.
After homework it was time to have dinner and get ready for bed. May dreamed of the day when she could get away from the farm and have a good normal life. The farm life was taking its
tole on the young children at night's they would talk among themselves and dream of the day when they would like to go off too college and make a new life for themselves.
One evening after school the children decided to go down by the river behind the house and play
their father got very upset and started screening and yelling at the children. too be continued,, ,

Hot and spicy salsa

If you enjoy salsa in some of your cooking,then this recipe is for you
Half cup finely chopped papaya
2 tablespoons peperminto
1 onion finely chopped
1 sweet pepper Finley chopped
salt and pepper to taste 4 table spn. apple cider vinegar
one or two hot peppers diced.
mix all the ingredient's together then bottle in a sterilized jar
also add quarter cup boiled water too the mix

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My travels

I am an out door person i love all that fresh air and all that beautiful flowers those beautiful tropical flowers you can call me a travel fanatic. growing up,on the island of T.dad, with all that natural resources, the island produces natural oil, we have the pitch lake that produces asphalt.
Asphalt is a natural black substance its a form of thick tar that comes out of the ground in the form of a thick rich oil. Asphalt is used too fix the roads they pave the road with the asphalt then they use the tar which comes from the pitch lake too seal the asphalt and make the roads
smooth and safe for the traffic. The government control all the natural resources, such as the oil,asphalt,and the pitch from the pitch lake. The island has beautiful beaches, and lots of citrus fruits, the island is protected by three sister hills they are three mountain's that protect the island from bad weather, such as hurricane's that's why they say its three sister hills reaching to the sky.When I left T.dad, having traveled to the island of St. Crux where I lived for one year before traveling on to the U.S. While residing in the U.S.V.I i traveled to the island and did some extensive traveling to the much smaller and the
surrounding island such as the island of Tortola, St.Thomas Porto Rico and St John.
I enjoy traveling and I hope to do some more traveling in the near future.

Being polite and kind

Live your life in a good old way by helping people along the way trying to be good and true
not worrying about what others may say or do,don't think what others may say cause, some will anyway, just do the best that you can and remember too lend a helping hand.
You cannot please everyone : but you can help a few,as you travel through this life you'll meet all
kind of people along the street's with different character,different personalities that's what makes us so unique. Just say hello just say hi " its best too be polite and kind remember that you are just one person traveling through this life by helping someone that's a start you'll feel
better by giving of yourself and by being of service to someone else
we all feel better when helping each other a friend a neighbour or even a stranger.
Just say hello just say hi " its best to be polite and kind.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Voice of the Uninsured

Over 43 million Americans are without Health Ins. and the number's are growing daily
telling us to sign up with voice of the uninsured is not enough.
The people need National ins, for all not over priced insurance for the 20% that can afford it we need complete coverage for all not just a few, we are all paying our taxes and each and every one in America legally, needs help with health care. America is one of the richest nation in the world and we have the worst health care system for the American people think about that the people need to come together as one nation and stop talking about this situation in the privacy of their homes. In order for things too change the people need to wont change and they need to come together and stop talking too themselves and start speaking out loud for every one too hear. The Politician's are telling them what they want to hear, don't vote for some-one because he is a good speaker look at the history of that person and take the time too learn something about that person. Don't vote for someone you don't know anything about be careful
when making that decision and get out and cast your vote wisely.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The march of the penguins

Has anyone ever taken the time to study the march of the penguins? if not you should
take the time to do so, then you will understand what i am about to say.
They act some what like human beings. For instance, they communicate well towards each other, and they do not push and shove when there in line, because they have order among them . They choose their mates carefully and they stay together for eight months. They march for more than seventy miles where they will meet with the male penguins in the freezing cold.
The father,s take over protecting the eggs from the freezing cold ,while the females goes back into the ocean too find food. The male will keep the egg between their belly and their feet for about three months from the freezing cold until the egg hatch.It is a very difficult life for the penguins.

A little Feng Shui

The thought of undecorating is probably getting you down , taking down the tinsel can mean de-cluttering and freshening up the home. Some principles of feng shui pronounced(Fung sh way)
is the ancient Chinese art of creating a good energy flow or chi, in the home.
The practitioners of this form or art promise it will enhance good health , wealth and help with your mental state of mind.
The ones that are skeptical thinks it just look nice ,some even thinks it create a breath of fresh air in the home
If you don't know your Chi from your Chai, there are a few things that you can apply
Get rid of the clutter clean up that mess throw out all that junk that you have in the trunk
Out with the old and in with the new.Who move my chi ? the #3 is considered auspicious in fen-shui there are 3 sides to a triangle ,its a powerful symbol that's what they say , representing the fire elements . They say it works to increase your passion, or emotional health.
These are not my thoughts or sayings, written for you to enjoy. from, me to you.

Charlotte housing market

U.S. home prices fell in October for the tenth straight month , it's the largest monthly drop since early 1991 a wide index showed on Wednesday.

The record 6.7 % drop in the standard and poor/ case Shiller home price index also marked the 23rd consecutive month where prices either grew slowly or decline.

Only three areas Charlotte -Portland Ore, and Seattle -posted year after year home prices

appreciation in October Charlotte posted the largest gains @ 4.3% among the three states .

Charlotte is likely to be saved from declining house prices within the coming few months.

A jump in oil prices.

Wall street is also concerned about the high price of oil . The 2007 holiday figure is at the low end it's 3.5% to 4.5% range , excluding gasoline, auto sales, that figure was 2.4% .
The news could raise concerns about the strength of consumer spending.The economy however is not doing as expected .Holiday sales were very slow and this could continue into the new year. Consumers don't have much money to spend and they are cutting back and spending less.