Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Life on the Island part 2 continuation 3/5/08

When I graduate from high school I decided it was time to leave home,And travel abroad
I book a flight from Trinidad to St.Croix when I arrived on the island it was
in the wee hrs of the morning. The night life was jumping the people were all over the place
there were loud music even at the airport.The taxi-driver's were very hospitable to the foreigners and visitors.
Entering the Island for the first time Was very exciting, There were people every-where
My friends had a taxi-cab waiting to take me to the hotel, After staying at the hotel for the
night I was picked up by my friends the next morning.It was a beautiful day the weather was great, "how" I will always remember that day. My stay on the Island was very relaxing it was like being in Hawaii for the first time or being on some
extended vacation, I traveled to most of the surrounding Island's.
One weekend my friends and I took the sea-plane to the Island of Tortola it was a small island
not much on the island the people were beautiful and friendly there were white sandy Beach's and beautiful flowers. We enjoyed walking on the sandy beach the worm sand felt good under my feet...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Life on the Island Part one 2/27/08

Growing up on the Island was a good experience
life was very simple back then.
I grew up in a big family there were thirteen of us, There were always lots of laughter
and fun, there were also lots of screaming, yelling, shoving and pushing.
I was always a loner never liked big crowd. When ever they miss me they knew where
to look, I was always sitting high up in a tree reading a book or
any-thing I got my hands on I would get lost in a book and read for hours at a time
and not worry about any-thing else especially my other sib lings yelling and making
lots of noise. I also like to draw and doodle, If I wosnt drawing you would find me
drawing stick people "smile" I just love to draw stick people that was my thing
I also had imaginary friends. And I would play with my imaginary friends and that
was that sometimes my siblings would all stand around quietly and watch me while
I play with my imaginary friends " smile " and they would say oh boy look at her
play with her friends. And I would smile and say that would teach you all a lesson
not to hit on me. I have my own friends I would say to them.

One day while reading a book I saw a coupon in it which I filled out and mailed
the coupon to the company, It was the Peace Core.
I was very excited "but" I did not tell any-one about the coupon until about two week
later when I received a letter in the mail, there were lots of forms for me to fill out.
I was very excited, I took the forms to my mother and she read the forms and
look at me and said. keep on writing away for every -thing you read in books.
They scare me so bad, They said that I was going to be Court Martial and put over a burning
fire I was so scared I never left the house for days..
after quite some time I decided to look into traveling out of that country. To be continued

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


My fathers sit on benches
their flesh counts every plank
deep in their withered flanks.
They nod like broken candles
all waxed and burnt profound
they say "It's understanding
that makes the world go round."
There in those pleated faces
I see the auction block
the chains and slavery's coffles
the whip that lash and stock.
My Fathers speak in voices
that shred my fact and sound
they say "It's our submission
that makes the world go round."
They use the finest cunning
their naked wits and wiles
the lowly Uncle Tomming
and Aunt Jemima 's smiles.
They've laughed to shield their crying
then shuffled through their dreams
and stepped 'n ' fetched a country
to write the blues with screams.
Iunderstand their meaning
it could and did derive
from living on the edge of death
that kept me alive.

Thou shall not steal.

Yesterday one of my neighbours came and rang my door bell. When I looked through the
key-hole I saw that it was my next door neighbour "So" I let her in, she had a list in her hand
She asked me if I saw any-one hanging around the apartment.
I really did not see any-one @ that time "but" I did see them on my way home from work
that evening, it was about six of them , and they were all looking very suspicious,and they were
all steering @ me I just ignore them and drove on home.
Do you know those kids broke into the neighbour's apartment and stole groceries out of the
refrigerator. They also took some movies and much more.
the neighbours did call the Police "but" they said they needed more evidence,
How can People break into some-one else home and steal their food and all
their personal stuff.
What is this world coming too.
Thou shall not covet thy neighbours goods.

Friends, keep on trying.

Friends are very important people, Some-times they are even better than your relatives
when others let you down, criticize, or even turn their backs on you,
A good friend is always there to give a helping hand.
A friend once told me "ha" life is short live life to the fullest,
I said live your life in a full but, healthy way.
My friend said what do you mean by healthy way ? I said what ever you do try and be honest and kind , don't cheat and mis-use your power of Authority.
Enjoy the good things that life has too offer , such as good Friends, good health ,
Travel and see the world. These things are a Blessing and thank GOD for that,
You can also try new hobbies, and learn a new skill, or trade, its never too late to learn
new things, such as taking up painting and drawing , learn to swim if you don't know how
don't let life pass you by give it a try.
you may even enjoy it.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Change is coming

Change is coming some where some how. I don't know when " but" change is coming
for better or worst change is coming, every-thing is out of control
gas is $3.10 some place its $3.08. And the price goes up and up,
Food is over-priced .Milk is $3.29. pr. gallon the price goes up and up kids toys are tinted with lead paint Mercury and more the price goes up
and up Clothing is over priced you wear it twice and it falls apart.
Its being manufactured all over, Except in AMERICA
The price goes up and up.
When is this going to stop The price goes up and up.
AMERICA take back your rein, only then will it end this pain of unemployment
crime, and uncontrolled Foreclosure' s
The price goes up and up, This really has to stop...

Who will help with the children.

Do you remember the days when things were very simple?
when it was safe to leave doors unlocked.? And no one would bother ,To try and rob you
How about the days when it was safe for the kids to play outdoors and no one would
interfere with your children. Think back too when there were no bickering or fuss
and every-one respected each other, and helped each other out, In those days they said
that it took a neighbourhood to raise a child. every-one looked after each other's kids.
Times have changed and people have different views on parenting
you don't know who to trust with your children any-more.
Some people have become very selfish while others care what happen to the children
Some families don't care about each other any more and that's a shame. people need to
think about the children. They are the the future generation. We all need to help
we cannot stand alone we need to take the time and reach out to the children.
Tell me who will help with the children.