Monday, December 31, 2007

The end of 2007

Soon the year 2007 will be over and we will all be signing checks for 2008 in a few hours. We have so much to look back on and so much to look forward to. Although we don't know what lies ahead we are all anxious for the new year to finally begin, and for us to move forward into the new year. Pretty soon The presidency will be over for George Bush and someone else will begin their term as the new President of America. By the way the election is going we are not sure who that person will be. This person could be a man or a woman, but who ever wins will have a very hard job ahead of them.

It seems that some how the more we move forward the more we move backwards. It may seem like we as a country are moving forward, but instead we are starting to lose ground very quickly. we are starting to rely too much on foreign imports. The majority of our foods that are imported have been tainted. The toys that have been coming from overseas have become unsafe for our children to play with. What I would like to put out there right now to everyone is,"what are you going to do about this situation Mr. President, Are you going to solve our health care crisis, what about the homeless people that are starting to grow steadily".

It is your responsibility to take care of your own American people first before taking care of the people of the world. It seems that lately our own people are taking a back seat to everyone else. Who made you the international police? You are trying too hard to take care of everyone that is in need, but in the mean time your people here are tired and weary. Who ever wins the election I am sorry for him or her, because they will not be able to do any better. The only person who will be able to fix this problem once and for all will not be man, it will be God.

New Years Resolutions

I want to start out by wishing everyone out there a happy new year. Hopefully 2008 will be a better year for everyone out there. This has been a pretty hectic year for many Americans. I hope that many of us can just lay back and finally start to recover from the prior years drama.